
Start your local Original Blueprint® group using the worksheets found here. Get comfortable, kick up your feet together, laugh and get to know each other by using any of these worksheets from the book! Choose one ritual or exercise to work on together and have an accountability partner (within or outside the group) to help you in between your group get-togethers. Groups are recommended to stay small (around 4-6 people). 

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Chapter Five: Leaning on Your Village Matters

It’s impossible for healing to happen in isolation. As we’re able to now recognize, the desire for connection with others supports our personal growth ten-fold. We are souls who have come into bodies to give us the experience of separateness.

Chapter Six: When Mind Meets Body and Falls in Love

My wish for you is that if nothing else arises from reading this book, you will gain a deeper sense of yourself just from this chapter alone.  Body awareness—specifically the ritual of interoception—is the key to self-regulation.

Chapter Seven: Healing Childhood Wounds

Reflecting on childhood, most people can recall experiencing some form of trauma or stress. Healing that trauma requires that you distinguish between the memories of what happened in the past and the life that you’re living in the present moment.

Chapter Eight: When “No” Fortifies Relationships

How do we preserve our relationships and speak our truth? How can we accept and make amends with those we’ve hurt? How do we take responsibility for intentionally or unintentionally wounding others? Let’s explore how “No” can fortify relationships.

Chapter Nine: Mobilizing Your Original Blueprint®

Now that you have begun to reconnect with your Original Blueprint®, how will you transmit all the love you’re fully embodying and share it with the world? Let’s look at how your Original Blueprint® can have a positive impact on the world around you.

Commitment to Practice

When you commit to something, the act of fulfilling that commitment requires focused intention and a clear vision for what you want to achieve or experience. Use this Commitment to Practice worksheet to support the connection to your Original Blueprint®.

General Materials

Glossary of Somatic Dimensions

Build your somatic vocabulary using this detailed list of somatic dimensions.

Glossary of Emotions

Deepen your emotional intelligence using this comprehensive list of emotions.

Glossary of Terms

Understand the most important terms referenced throughout the book.

What's Different?: Beg/Int

When you’re doing an exercise or ritual, it’s important to
notice what’s different in your body because the simple act of noticing the changes helps codify new neural pathways in your mind and new neurophysiology in your body. The act of noticing and then writing down your observations builds somatic awareness.

What's Different?: Advanced

When you’re doing an exercise or ritual, it’s important to
notice what’s different in your body because the simple act of noticing the changes helps codify new neural pathways in your mind and new neurophysiology in your body. The act of noticing and then writing down your observations builds somatic awareness.

Suggested Readings

Refer to this list of readings to compliment other aspects of your healing.