Rebecca changed my life. As a CEO of a major tech company, I came to see her for trauma therapy three years ago. At the time, I was borderline suicidal, feeling as if I had nothing left to give this world. Since then, I’ve seen her quarterly for weekend intensives. Within months, I couldn’t believe how much all my discontent had left me…and has never come back. How I live my life, including how I lead my company, has dramatically changed. Rebecca is extraordinarily gifted.

CEO, Tech Company

I remember when I first started seeing Rebecca for therapy, I cried because I had never felt the feeling of safety so fully inside of me. She’s been a game-changer in my life. Thank you, Rebecca!

Anonymous therapy client

My whole life, I’ve felt this chronic feeling of discontent and problems with authority. Rebecca helped me heal the parts of myself that never got needs met in my childhood. Today, I feel content inside myself and able to work with all kinds of people, including those above me.

CEO, Nonprofit Company

Rebecca saved my ass! I was about to be fired as the Chief of Surgery at a big medical center. Not only was I able to hold onto my job, but I also became an example for other Department Chiefs. She is an outstanding executive coach and therapist. And her book is brilliant.

Chief of Surgery, Medical Center

When I came to see Rebecca, I was holding onto a childhood that was fraught with chaos. When I finished therapy with Rebecca, I was free of what was holding me back from being myself. Thank goodness I found her!

Anonymous therapy client

Wow! Wow! Wow! What else can I say except, Wow!

Anonymous therapy client

Rebecca gave me the courage to end an abusive marriage and find my “happy” again.

Anonymous therapy client

In one of my sessions with Rebecca, I said to her, “Is this how people are supposed to feel?!”  She smiled and said, “Yes. Amazing, right?!” I was speechless!

Anonymous therapy client

Rebecca helped me overcome sexual trauma from childhood, and in place of it, I have the gift of self-love. So grateful.

Anonymous therapy client

When I first started my coaching with Rebecca, I had no idea how much she would help me. Beyond getting promoted to COO of a major tech company, I’ve been bringing her into every company I’ve worked for to help my leadership teams. She’s an original!

CEO, Tech Company