My Story
Raised in the Bay Area, I left at age 20 and set out to explore the world to test my beliefs and worldview. For 20 years, I lived and traveled overseas and throughout the United States, participating in healing ceremonies and experiencing how indigenous cultures find healing through ritual and community support. As I explored, I began to awaken to our global consciousness—a realization that everyone is connected and through the breath of life, we can be aware and attuned to everything and everyone.
Today, I am a trauma educator, licensed therapist, healer, author, speaker, and executive coach. As a trauma survivor, I have overcome extraordinary suffering and come out on the other side to my joy again. In my book, The Paper Tiger Syndrome: How to Liberate Yourself from the Illusion of Fear, I share my personal tragedy-to-triumph story along with wisdom from my clients. My purpose is to help people transform their own trauma wounds into personal growth and resilience and reconnect back to the truest version of themselves—what I call our Original Blueprint®.
In addition to a bachelor’s degree in journalism, I hold two master’s degrees in business and clinical mental health from George Washington University and Marymount University, respectively. As a licensed therapist in California and an ICF-Certified Professional Coach, I hold a multitude of trauma-informed certifications, including Somatic Experiencing. I am also a freelance writer for Psychology Today. My memberships include the International Coaching Federation and the CA Marriage and Family Therapists Association.
My Values
Integrity is at the heart of how I try and live my life every day, which means that I ask nothing of others that I haven’t asked of myself. I do my best every day to show up the same way, practice what I preach, and forgive myself when I fall short.
Kindness is at the heart of being a good human. If we are kind to each other, we can stay curious, open, and receive each other’s wisdom. Being kind starts with being kind to yourself. Are you kind to you?
Fun is important—we should put fun at the top of our everyday to-do list. It keeps us young and reminds us not to sweat the things we can’t control. We are here to enjoy ourselves—I truly believe that!
Community is part of how we heal. Human beings are pack animals—we need each other. In a world where this is becoming increasingly challenging, we need to insist on staying connected. It’s essential for our longevity.
Learning is an active way of being. Every person of significance in our lives is here to teach us something about ourselves. Especially those who challenge our ideas, beliefs, and behaviors. Ask yourself: what is the person here to teach me about myself?
Love is something we should give generously and whole-heartedly. We don’t have to know each other to love each other. When I look into the eyes of another human being, I see myself and I can love, without hesitation.
My Approach
My therapeutic work is informed by somatic-based practices, including as a Somatic Experiencing® Practitioner (SEP). I am also certified in Interactive Guided Imagery and the Integrative Enneagram and have received 20+ years of training in numerous relational, grief, ritual, and spiritual modalities.
As an ICF Professional Certified Coach (PCC), my work as a management consultant includes nearly 30 years of combined experience in executive coaching and management consulting. Today, I work at the top of organizations to help C-Suite leaders create systemic change. Exclusive weekend intensives available upon request.
For more about my credentials and experience, see my profile on LinkedIn.
Rebecca has been recognized as one of the Top Executive Coaches by Coach Foundation.